The “Diplomacy Lab”
Borns Jewish Studies prize- winning senior, Elise Mendelson presents her research to the US State Department
Read moreIt’s been a while, but it’s my pleasure again to share with you a few snapshots from a rewarding academic year. As you may know, in July 2024 I returned to the directorship of the Borns Jewish Studies Program, just in time to prepare for our first external review since 2002! We were very grateful to our outside visitors from Jewish Studies programs across the country for the care they took in assessing us, and not at all surprised by how impressed they were – actually the word they used was “envious” –after meeting our majors, certificate students and grads. They also made some useful suggestions that we are hastening to put into practice.
In honor of our long-standing assistant director, Carolyn Lipson Walker, each year the prize bearing her name is awarded to an outstanding student in the Borns Jewish Studies program. A senior in the Borns Jewish Studies Program who grew up in Indianapolis, Natanya will be graduating with dual degrees in Jewish Studies and International Studies.
Günther Jikeli was recently featured in IU’s online magazine “The connected Professor” and we wanted to share the article with you. Günther’s current research focuses on online antisemitism, and he has developed innovative opportunities in his classroom for active student research.
We want to hear from you! Drop us a line at iujsp@iu.edu.
And for our alums: Let us know what’s new in your career and life.
Has your contact information changed? Please let us know! You can call us at (812) 855-0453 or email our assistant program manager, Melissa Deckard.
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This newsletter is published by the Borns Jewish Stuides Program and the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington.
Borns Jewish Studies Program
Director: Mark Roseman
Assistant Program Manager: Missy Deckard
College of Arts and Sciences
Executive Dean: Rick Van Kooten
Executive Director of Advancement: Jeff Stuckey
Director of Alumni Relations: Vanessa Cloe
Director of Advancement Communications: Raymond Fleischmann
Associate Director of Advancement Communications: Sarah Johnson LaBarbera