The Modern Hebrew Placement Exam is offered online. It may take up to 60 minutes. You can take this exam by logging into IUB’s Online Language Placement Exams webpage from any computer with internet access. It is strongly recommended that all new incoming freshman and transfer students complete the Modern Hebrew Placement Exam prior to freshman summer orientation. Students who do so will receive their Hebrew placement during their advising session at orientation.
The results of the placement exam allow students to fulfill Modern Hebrew course prerequisites and enroll in a Modern Hebrew course for the fall and/or the spring semester. This exam does NOT award any credit for prior Hebrew studies/knowledge. Students who place above the basic Hebrew level and want credit for the second-year courses they skip MUST complete the course into which they have placed, earning a grade of C or higher in that course. Credit may only be awarded for skipping the second year Hebrew courses. Students who are interested in Hebrew language transfer credit should take a second exam called the Hebrew Proficiency Exam.