Yiddish Life, Literature, and Memory (3 cr)
Dov-Ber Kerler
GER-Y 505 #
MW 4:00-6:15
2nd 8 weeks
Meets with GER-E 351 / CMLT-C377
The Jewish Jesus from Late Antiquity to the Present (3 cr)
Shaul Magid
JSTU-H 500 #31401 / REL-R 541 #31407
W 3-5 (AC C107)
Graduate Proseminar (3 cr)
JSTU-H 500 #31511
F 11-12:00
What is Middle Eastern? Perspectives Gained through Comparison with Israel (3 cr)
Aziza Khazzoom
NELC-N 695 #12971
TR 1-2:15 (BH 214)
Meets with JSTU-J 304 / NELC-N 304
Jews, Christians, and Others in Late Antiquity (3 cr)
Jeremy Schott
REL-R 521 #29945
TR 4:00-5:15 (BH 135)
Meets with JSTU-J 316 / REL-A 316
Introduction to Imperial Aramaic (3 cr.)
Christopher Beckwith
CEUS-T 598 Intr Central Eurasian Languages I #34269
TR 4:00-5:15 (Room TBD)
Meets with CEUS-T 398
Beginning Yiddish II (3 cr)
Dov-Ber Kerler
GER-Y 502 #31516
P: GER-Y 501 or consent of instructor
MWF 9:30-10:45
Meets with GER-Y 150
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew II(3 cr)
Nathan Mastnjak
NELC-B 502 #16592
MTWR 10:10-11:00
GenEd WL; P: Grade of C or higher in NELC-B 501 or eqivalent proficiency
Meets with JSTU-B 150
Intermediate Biblical Hebrew II(3 cr)
Nathan Mastnjak
NELC-B 504 #38320
MWF 9:05-9:55
GenEd WL; P: Grade of C or higher in NELC-B 503 or eqivalent proficiency
Meets with JSTU-B 250
Elementary Hebrew II (3 cr)
Dmitry Romashov
NELC-H 502 (BH241)
MTWR 10:10-11:00 #10220
MTWR 11:15-12:05 #7321
MTWR 12:20-1:10 #10221
GenEd WL; P: Grade of C or higher in NELC-H 501 or equivalent proficiency
Meets with JSTU-H 150
Intermediate Modern Hebrew II (3 cr.)
Ayelet Weiss
NELC-H 504 (SY200)
MWF 10:10-11:00 #10222
MWF 12:20-1:10 #10223
GenEd WL; P: Grade of C or higher in NELC-H 503 or equivalent proficiency
Meets with JSTU-H 250
Advanced Modern Hebrew I (3 cr)
Michal Maoz-Levy (SY 200)
NELC-H 505 # 32829
MWF 1:25-2:15
P: Grade of C or higher in NELC-H 504 or equivalent proficiency.
Meets withJSTU-H 300
Advanced Modern Hebrew II (3 cr.)
Michal Maoz-Levy (SY 200)
NELC-H 506 #7322
MWF 11:15-12:05
P: Grade of C or higher in NELC-H 505 or equivalent proficiency
Meets with JSTU-H 350
Individual Readings and Arranged Courses
Directed Readings in Jewish Studies (1‐3 cr.)
Sarah Imhoff
JSTU‐H 595 #6331
M.A. Thesis in Jewish Studies (3 cr.)
Sarah Imhoff
JSTU-J 699 #13078
Internship in Jewish Studies (1‐6 cr.)
Sarah Imhoff
JSTU-P 598 #12255